So I'm not one for setting New Year's resolutions but there's some things that I would like to do more of and set myself to do next year:
- Do my nails and make-up more often plus dress-up more
- Keep up with my 'One Second Every Day' project (and remember to do it each day!)
- Continue working on and growing my blog
- Remember to put image descriptions on my blog and on my blog's social media accounts.
- Grow my YouTube channel and improve my video making skills
- Write reviews for Euan's Guide (online accessible places trip advisor)
- Make it my mission to improve the accessibility of red cords using the red cord cards I've ordered fro Euan's Guide
- Get into a better day and sleep routine
- Remember to take all of my tablets correctly and on time
- Get better at doing my physio exercises/stretches and 'Yoga for M.E.'
- Keep my bedroom tidy and tidy up after myself (even if it requires a nap/breaks)
- Keep up with my Warrior Beads project
- Get back into my Bravery Bottles project
- Look into going on a holiday with Revitalise (accessible holidays for people with disabilities)
- Make Instagram stories and create highlights to document my year
- Get better at sending out birthday cards
- Keep on top of my emails!
2018 was also the year of 'gratitude' I pic a word to try and live by each year. i've been thinking a lot about what my next word will be and lately I've been feeling stuck and low which my health and funding for various things going no happening so I think my word for 2019 might be 'hope'.