Saturday 9th: What I've learnt
There are many things I've learnt since becoming ill with M.E. Some are more positives than others so I will focus on the positives.
Friendships is probably the main thing; making new friends and learning who my true friends are. The ones who have stuck by me and accept how my health affects my life by having to cancel plans a lot or for it taking me a while at times to reply to letters and messages or going quiet for periods of time when I'm not feeling well enough and friends just accepting me the way I am and also the friends that also have chronic illnesses/disabilities focussing on other things other than our health problems.
I've also learnt my own limits and working within them and learning to live wit and managingmy M.E. which is a continual learning progress and learning not to get too frustrated when I over do it. It's like there is a split between what Naomi wants to do and what my brain/body is able to do and sometimes they're not in sync and it's learning to do things within my limits without feeling like my M.E. is in charge of my life.
Sunday 10th: Emotions
Life with M.E. is scattered with a wide array of emotions too many to list here. - pretty much most emotions on the emotion wheel and it varies day-to-day. Some days are better than others. There are times of sadness, frustration and grief when you feel like your life is on hold or you can no longer do the things you once loved. There are positives emotions too like gratitude, or feeling blessed or loved when you're talking with a friend, or a friend had sent to a letter or when you feel like a medical professional is listening to you.
Monday 11th: M.E. in one word
Tuesday 12th: Something blue
She knits bears for others all over the world suffering from M.E as something to do whilst bed bound with Severe M.E to bring a smile to fellow M.E warriors.
Image description:
- Image 1: A blue ribbon on a cardigan for a bear with a button on with a red heart. The button has text reading "handmade for you with love"
- Image 2: A pale brown and cream knitted bear sat waring a pink hat and a turquoise and pink cardigan with a star on one side of the cardigan and a blue ribbon on the other side of the cardigan.
Wednesday 13th: Gratitude
Gratitude is something I've grown closer to since becoming ill. The smaller things become the bigger things like sitting outside in the sunshine, someone making you a cup of tea, a visit or letter from a friend, and projects set up to brighten up chronically ill people's days (which are most often homegrown projects by individuals working alone) etc. I feel that by feeling gratitude for things in life support my emotional wellbeing.
I also feel gratitude for the help and support I get both from family and friends but also the professionals who have supported me over the years.
I also feel gratitude for the help and support I get both from family and friends but also the professionals who have supported me over the years.
Thursday 14th: People who've helped me
For a long time I went without proper support at home but I did have a few people; then in October last year I went into a special rehab ward. The people who have helped me along the way are:
- Family and friends
- Doctors including my GP, doctors and other specialised consultants
- Nurses and Healthcare Support Workers/Nursing Assistants
- Physiotherapists
- Occupational Therapists
- Advocates
- Psychologists/psychotherapists
- Social workers
- Home carers
- Support workers/Link workers
- Paramedics and EMT's
- Dieticians
- Orthotists