- Scope - one of the UK's leading disability charities (Helpline - telephone, textphone & email)
- BBC Ouch - The BBC's disability site and podcast
- Life Without Limits - supporting younger people with chronic illnesses and disabilities
- Disability Rights UK - aiming for equality for disabled people
- NHS website
- The Marmalade Trust - tackling loneliness
M.E. - Myalgic Encephalomyelitis
- The M.E. Association (inc M.E. Connect helpline via telephone, email and social media) -Membership available
- Action for M.E. (Online community forum, one for adults and another for under 18s) - Membership available
- 25% M.E. Group - Membership available
Hypermobility Spectrum Disorder & Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome
- Hypermobility Syndromes Association (HMSA) - Membership available
- Ehlers-Danlos Support UK (Helpline - telephone and email) - Membership available
- The Ehlers-Danlos Society (based in the US, helpline: telephone and email)
Dysautonomia & PoTS
- PoTS UK - Peer Support Groups
Headaches & Migraines
- Migraine Trust (Helpline - telephone & email)
- Ouch UK for those with Cluster Headaches (Helpline - telephone)
Bladder & Bowel
- The IBS Network (Helpline for members)
- Bladder & Bowel UK
- Bladder Health UK (Advice line)
- Bladder and Bowel Community
- Changing Places - inc UK Changing Places toilet map
- Guts UK
Chronic Pain
- Pain UK - free membership
- Pain Concern (Helpline - telephone & email)
- British Pain Society
- Action on Pain (Helpline: telephone and email)
Mental Health
- Beat, Eating Disorders (Helpline - telephone, email, web chat and post)
- Young Minds (Parent's helpline - telephone & web chat)
- Mind (Infoline and text)
- Rethink
- Papyrus UK - Preventing Young Suicide (Helpline - telephone 24/7)
- C.A.L.M (Helpline - telephone, live chat, WhatsApp)
- Samaritans (Helpline- telephone, email and post)
- Give Us a Shout (Helpline: Text Shout to 85258)
- Sane (Helpline - telephone & text)
- Support Line (Helpline - telephone, email & post)
- The Mix - for young people under 25 (Helpline, web chat and text)
Accessibility Guides
Cards and gifts for people with chronic illnesses & disabilities
- 'Severe ME/CFS: A Guide to Living' by Emily Collingridge
- ‘How To Do Life With A Chronic Illness’ by Pippa Stacey
Audiobooks services
- Listening Books
- RNIB Reading Services
- ‘Sleep when I sleep’ audiobook app by RNIB
- Everand
- Audible
- BorrowBox
- Libby Library app
Some of these services are free though your local library, such as my local library uses BorrowBox and the Libby Library app. Other services like Everand and Audible you pay a subscription to. The RNIB Reading Service is free to those who struggle to read print. Listening Books is also a subscription audio book library service for a small fee which may be wavered such as to those on a low income or with a print disability - this is where you struggle to read print such as due to a visual impairment or specific learning difficulty like dyslexia, or a condition like Irlens or you may find it had to hold a book or turn a page due to your disability.
- The Metro Series - 'You Don't Look Sick'
- Chronic Warrior Collective - social site for people with chronic illnesses/disabilities; they also hold a monthly card swap scheme